Taking notes with TextFind

by Nicolae Caralicea

If you’re someone who, like me, values the ability to quickly locate specific information, I’d be happy to demonstrate how TextFind simplifies that process for me.

Taking notes is a fundamental practice for researchers that offers numerous advantages, including memory enhancement, organization, documentation, analysis, collaboration, time management, and skill development. It plays a crucial role in facilitating the research process and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in various fields.

Balancing a range of topics including LLMs, neural network training and deployment, multi-language programming, security, Kubernetes, alongside website marketing using WordPress and product advertising is a daily task for me. It’s crucial for me to swiftly access my notes on these diverse subjects.

Due to time limitations, thoroughly understanding every aspect of a post may not always be achievable, particularly when it involves experimenting with scripting or code.

The solution is to capture as much information as possible in a note, enabling easy retrieval and revisitation later on. Relying solely on browser bookmarks may not suffice in this case.

Here’s a brief video demonstrating how TextFind assists me.

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